Wednesday, 27 February 2008

The Birthdays!

On monday the 25th of February both my mum and Ryan celebrated their birthdays!

In the last 2 years we created the new "tradition" to travel to a European city together for their happy days - the first year we surprised my mum in Prague for her 50th and last year we went to Hamburg.

But this year Ryan really wanted to be with his family so my parents came here!
We spent a few lovely days showing them around. My dad hasn't seen the area I have moved to quite a while ago nor has he met Ryans family yet - my mum already knew them - so this was extra special!

A few impressions of the birthday morning - I made them blue muffins and of course a cake - on it you see their combined age
(for a moment my mother had an age shock :-))

More stories and a few pics of our time here will follow shortly.

I have just waved them goodbye!

1 comment:

  1. Ich staune, da wächst ja wirklich eine häusliche kleine Pia heran! Aber keine Angst: es tut nicht weh und muss auch nicht spießig sein - das weißt du ja.
    Ich kann mich übrigens noch gut an einen deiner ersten Kuchen erinnern: Weiße Schokolade und Hunde abgeleckt - muss wohl mein 18-ter Geburtstag gewesen sein?
    Mit den Fotos geht das ganz einfach, sofern man PICASA verwendet. Einfach auf Collage gehen und dann auf Bildraster.
    Mit dem Blog hat das nichts zu tun.
    GLG Bernadette


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