Saturday, 16 February 2008

Yes I am pregnant!

Indeed I am! Well by now not THE big news anymore :-)
On November the 5ths I told my lovely Ryan
(who was astoundingly surprised for someone who was there with me trying to get pregnant - I didn't do that by myself! :-))
But how do you tell your loved one you are knocked up indeed?
I made a little treasure hunt for Ryan!
From a large piece of red carton paper I cut out a big heart - and made it into 4 puzzle pieces. On each piece I wrote a clue where he would find the next one. To find the very first puzzle piece I gave him a small heart with a clue on it.
On the very last one I glued one of the (zillion) pregnancy tests I took!
And then I saw a face which was clearly not comprehending what he was reading but it turned within seconds to the biggest grin I have ever seen! :-)

Our heart which is still hung up in our bedroom :-)

1 comment:

  1. Liebe Pia!
    Schön, dass du da bist ;).
    Ein toller Kuchen, ein supersüßes Rätselralley-Baby-Herz, den schönsten verfügbaren Bloghintergrund (hab ich ja auch, bin nämlich auch zu blöd selbst einen zu erstellen) und das süße Foto (auf dem du aber deiner Mami ähnlich siehst...).
    Ich werde dich jetzt sofort verlinken und hoffe du "pflegst" diesen Blog, damit ich immer auf dem Laufenden bin!
    Bussal uns viele liebe Grüße
    von Betty


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