Monday, 31 March 2008


Ich denke an einem Montag kommt aus mir nicht viel mehr Konstruktives als "bluäää" raus :-)

Daher poste ich heute nur mal für Crisl mein kleines Stern-Tattoo!

I think on a monday you won't get anything more constructive out of me than "bluaaaa" :-)

That's why for today I'm only posting pics of my little star tattoo for Crisl.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Hei ho hei ho

Ich hatte gerade meine erste Yoga-Session mit Pepe für ihre Fallstudie.
Ich kann mich grad selbst so gar nicht verstehen warum ich solange mit Yoga pausiert habe - ich alter Faulsack!! Es ist so angenehm und relaxend!
Auch wenn Schwangerschafts-Yoga nicht mit normalem Yoga zu vergleichen ist - so fühle ich mich jetzt doch ganz wunderbar!
So im normalen Leben ist mir mein Bauch noch gar nicht im Weg - doch heute bei manchen Positionen war das doch ganz eindeutig anders! :-)

Vor ein paar Tagen konnte ich nicht widerstehen und hab mehr oder weniger die erste Zimmerdeko für Juniors Zimmer gekauft (welches er noch länger nicht haben und auch noch nicht brauchen wird :-)) - die ersten Zwerge für meinen Zauberwald!

I just had my first yoga session with Pepe for her case study.
I really don't understand why I have stopped yoga for so long -me the old lazy bum!! It's so lovely and relaxing!
Though you can't really compare pregnancy yoga with normal yoga - I still feel wonderful right now!
In normal life my belly is not in the way at all yet - but today with a few positions I could certainly feel this is different! :-)

A few days ago I couldn't resist and bought more or less the first decoration for Junior's room (which he won't get and won't need for another while) - the first dwarves for my enchanted forrest!

Friday, 28 March 2008


Da hab ich vor ein paar Tagen bei Amazon zwei Bücher bestellt und jetzt 2-3 Tage später – wo normalerweise schon das Päckchen da ist – habe ich noch immer keine E-Mail Bestätigung, dass es versandt wurde. Gottseidank kann man ja alles online verfolgen: meine zwei Bücher sind nämlich Importe aus den USA und noch gar nicht da! Geschätzte Lieferzeit ist erst in 2 Wochen! Ach jammer – ich wollte doch so gerne zum häkeln beginnen übers Wochenende!

Hab nämlich das Arigurumi-Buch bestellt, welches ich unbedingt wollte und auch endlich das Attachment Parenting Buch, welches ich seit Monaten auf meiner Amazon-Wunschliste habe :-)

A few days ago I ordered 2 books via Amazon and now 2-3 days later – where normally the parcel has already arrived – I haven’t even received a dispatch e-mail. Thank god you can track everything online: apparently my two books are imports from the USA and haven’t arrived yet! Estimated time of delivery is in 2 weeks! Such a shame – I would have really liked to start crocheting over the weekend!

I have ordered the Arigurumi book I so wanted and finally the Attachment Parenting book which I have had on my Amazon wishlist for months :-)

Ein Stöckchen!

Bin ganz aufgeregt! :-)
Ich hab ein Stöckchen von Bella zu geworfen bekommen - ich mag sowas nur so nebenbei :-)

So, hier die Regeln:
1. Setze einen Link zu der Person, die dir das Stöckchen zugeworfen hat!
2. Erwähne die dazugehörigen Regeln in deinem Blog!
3. Erzähle von Dir 6 unwichtige Dinge/ Macken/ Gewohnheiten!
4. Gib das Stöckchen am Ende deiner 6 Antworten an 6 Leute durch Verlinkung weiter!
5. Hinterlasse bei jeder verlinkten Person einen Kommentar in ihrem Blog, wonach sie getagged wurde!

Meine 6 Macken/Gewohnheiten:

1. Ich habe immer recht. (Ich persönlich finde das keine Macke, sondern eine Tatsache, aber da kann man mit Ryan eventuell drüber streiten :-))

2. Ich mochte lange Zeit nur aus weissen Tassen trinken (wenn sie innen weiss waren), mittlerweile am liebsten aus meiner fast schon ganz zerfallenen Roten, die innen blau ist :-)

3. Ich kann kaum daran vorbei gehen, wenn ich etwas Rotes mit weissen Punkten sehe. Streifen und Sterne habens mir auch sehr angetan. Oft auch Herzen, Erdbeeren und anderes Rot-Fruchtiges. Ich nenne es Besessenheit, der Geldbeutel nennt es eine definitive Macke.

4. Ich singe komische Liebeslieder und erfinde seltsame Kosenamen für meinen Holden. Gott mein armes Kind wird erst Namen erhalten! Auch Ryan leidet an dieser Macke, doch wie wir beide finden ist dies eine sehr süsse Gewohnheit.

5. Ich werde alt. Ich kann absolut keine laute Musik oder lauten Fernseher haben - werde langsam aber sicher zu meinem Vater!
Ich mag auch kein Blut im Fernsehen/Kino sehen. Schon gar keinen Horror. Ja ich bin ein Weichei, ich gebs ja zu!

6. Wenn ich koche/backe und es geht was schief dann wird aus einem normal recht fröhlichem Wesen ein feuerspuckender Drache vor dem ihr Freund dann meistens in Deckung geht, weil immer ER schuld daran ist. (auch wenn er gerade nicht in der Nähe war natürlich :-))

Ich reiche das Stöckchen an Betty, Magdarine, Crisl, Jasmin, Neues Immertreues und Vanessa weiter - überschneiden sich wahrscheinlich ein paar!

Der Post bleibt auch vorerst nur auf deutsch da! :-)

Thursday, 27 March 2008

Immer noch ein Riese/still a biggie!

Komme gerade von der Hebamme. Baby ist noch immer ein geschätzter Riese und der Uterus ist unglaublich weit oben für meine 24. Schwangerschaftswoche...
Könnte aber auch an der tiefliegenden Plazenta liegen, die eventuell alles raufschiebt!
Und sein Herzschlag ist wie immer stark und kräftig!

Junior tritt fröhlich vor sich hin und ich habe soeben kläglich versucht meine Kugel selbst zu fotografieren - das Gesicht ist viel einfacher :-)
Man beachte bitte meinen neuen Pickel am Kinn - von wegen Mädchen im Bauch verursachen schlechte Haut! Ammenmärchen! :-)

Just came home after seeing the midwife! Baby is still an estimated biggie and my uterus is very high up for my only 24 weeks of pregnancy....
But could also be caused by my low lying placenta which possibly pushes everything up!
And his heartbeat is nice and strong as ever!

Junior is happily kicking along and I just tried in an miserable attempt to take a pic myself of my ballooning belly - the face was much easier :-)
Please note the new spot on my chin - so much about girls in your tummy cause bad skin. Old wives tale! :-)

Wednesday, 26 March 2008


Na gut - doch ueberredet! Ich werde nun in beiden Sprachen posten!

Gute Nachrichten hab ich erhalten!
Meine Freundin Pepe, welche Yoga-Lehrerin ist, startet endlich ihre Yoga für Schwangere-Klasse! Juhu!!! Mit Mitte April gehe ich wieder einmal pro Woche zum Yoga!
Und mein Extra-Bonus: Pepe macht mit mir eine Fall-Studie - das heisst sie kommt ab Samstag auch öfters zu mir nach Hause fuer Privatstunden und beobachtet eben meine Entwicklung!

Endlich werde ich mich wieder von meinem Hintern erheben - obwohl laut Ryan ist dieser noch nicht grösser geworden. Vielleicht hat er aber auch nur Angst vor blauen Flecken. :-)

Auch meine Hebamme meinte alle ihre Yoga-Mamis seien viel relaxter, können richtig atmen und haben generell recht stressfreie Geburten. Na bitte! :-)

Ok I'm convinced - from now on I will post in both languages!

I received good news! My friend Pepe who's a yoga teacher is finally starting her pregnancy yoga classes! From mid April on I'll again attend a weekly yoga class!
And my extra bonus: Pepe will do a case study with me which means from Saturday on she will come occasionally to my house for private lessons to study my progress!

So I finally get myself off my bum - even though Ryan said this one has not gotten bigger so far. But maybe he's only afraid of bruising

My midwife said all her yoga mummys are much more relaxed, breathe in the right way and in general have much less stress at birth. Good! :-)

Monday, 24 March 2008

Day off

I am at home enjoying my last day off and I hope you all had a nice easter!
Even here in England the weather went completely crazy and it was heavily snowing the last two days - for a little while it even looked like winter wonderland on Saturday - but only briefly though :-)

Ryan in his mums garden trying to catch some of the big snowflakes coming down yesterday :-)

On Saturday my parcel from ebay arrived!
40 pieces of baby boys clothes for an absolute bargain price!
Also my lovely mother-in-law couldn't resist and gave us a few more adorable clothing items yesterday - and we took home the car seat we got given by Ryans cousin.

The heap is getting bigger by the day!!

Sunday, 23 March 2008

It's easter sunday!

Yesterday I managed to convince Ryan NOT to buy these overpackaged easter eggs!
Well it also helped that at 5 in the afternoom just before the shops closed hardly any eggs where left over :-)
So I whipped up emergency easter-baskets!
We found in the supermarket little flower-buckets and I had enough easter left overs from last year to make something! I had lot's of coulourful tissuepaper at home to line the buckets and luckily we found some little chocolate eggs in the supermarket which I filled in the bottom, I baked some bunny heads again and decorated the bucket with all the easter bits and bobs I could find in my left overs-bag - pipe cleaners can come in handy for making all kinds of stuff!

So here we have easter-baskets for Ryans mum, his 3 sisters and little Ella (including a pig we bought :-))
Unfortunately it was quite late last night when I finished - so the pics are dark and not the best quality.

Saturday, 22 March 2008

A little worry

In a minute we will be off to visit Ryans Grandparents (the pair we don't see that often) and it's a bit of a drive - it's snowing and something like "winter-tyres" is non-existent in this country and I have obviously never driven there. But I'll manage :-)

As we were just sitting around to wake up and have our coffee (Ryan) and Actimel (me) I stared at the pile of our accumulated baby stuff. Everything we own concerning the bump is heaped up on our living room chair - where it belongs to of course :-)
But seriously - I know we want to move before he comes but if we don't take action soon I have to find room for all the stuff - the baby! - in our current flat!

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Vanity post

Just a quick note to say - I am proud of myself!
I've managed to change the layout to one I really like and which is very me!
Finally I had the time to get my head round that! :-)

Mr. Pea/Happy Easter!

Finally I have a picture uploaded!
So I proudly present Mr. Pea!

Happy Easter everyone!

This year the Easter time has gone completely past me...
But maybe subconciously I've been boycotting it because Easter is just HORRIBLE here!
For some strange reason people here don't seem to realise that you can actually make Easter eggs from REAL eggs. Everything is plastic or chocolate (ok not always a bad thing :-)).
But the typical British Easter egg is ever so bizarre to me - it is one plain chocolate egg of course foil wrapped and then in the strangest way packaged in a huge plastic protection thing and then in an even bigger box. Sometimes there's another chocolate goodie with it.

I absolutely don't understand why these overpackaged square boxes are Easter-like in any way.

Last year my little sister Mimi and a friend were here and I had my Easter egg decorating enjoyment with them!
Well this year on my own I didn't bother - just because I kept on dreaming of my new little Easter bunny helper I will have next year!
Then we will show these funny Brits how to blow out an egg and decorate it properly and beautifully!! :-)

But I had to do at least something this year - so for todays Easter food day at work I baked "Osterpinzen" as bunny heads :-)

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Looks like a new obsession

Nothing new: I absolutely love and adore Japanese street style, Mangas, Kokeshi dolls and any other colourful Japanese kitsch!
But I found something new!!!

The so-called AMIGURUMI!
They are crocheted little animal-like stuffed figures - I just love them!

So my newest project will be getting this book:

And then start crocheting my own Amigurumis for my little junior!
Look into the gallery on the website of the author Elisabeth Doherty!

The tiny problem: I can't even remember how to crochet but I guess I'll figure it out somehow :-) ha ha ha
Special tipps and tricks anyone?

Monday, 17 March 2008


I had the honour of receiving a Blog Award!

Do I hold a speech now? :-)
Well I certainly thank my unborn child then! ha ha ha ha

I received the award from
Betty and I have to give it to 3 other people - but as I don't know that many bloggers yet I will give it to the two girls I know personally, which means one goes back to Betty and one goes to Jasmin, the third one I will give to Crisl, I don't know her personally but I thoroughly enjoy her beautiful blog!

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Bounce is what tiggers do best!

Yesterday I was out shopping with Nadia and Heike and even though I have virtually no money to spend I couldn't resist and bought three romper suits for the little one.
And of course I can't keep them from you! :-)

The bouncing tigger seems to be very appropriate!

Friday, 14 March 2008

Oh boy!

Of course I am so happy about my baby!
By now I can imagine myself being a boys mummy :-)

In lightning speed I have already bought lot's of boy clothes - via ebay for very nice prices and most important of all (ha ha ha) I have decided on the children's room theme!

Just because I can't have pink I can still live out my far bigger obsession - red with white polka dots!
Yes toadstool style!

A boy can have an enchanted forest with lot's of little frogs, duckies, gnomes and elves, rainbows, stars AND toadstools!!

The lovely artistic ladies who occasionally read my blog - I am all open to your beautiful designs and if you have some suggestions for me - even better!

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Little Miss Bossy gets a Little Mister Bossy

I've just arrived home from our anomaly scan - the most important news is of course that the baby is absolutely fine, everything looks perfect!

But I am still a little in shock :-)
My gut feeling was right, because indeed the little Rocky in me seems to be a BOY!
Well farewell to my dreams of a Hello Kitty room and hello to swords! :-)

Apart from that I have a low lying placenta which means I get to have another scan at 36 weeks and this is nothing to worry about already!
Uh and indeed the scan confirmed that HE is a very big baby! Well fed I guess :-)

At least according to the sonographer...
But even I saw the little willy dangling :-)

Thursday, 6 March 2008

GaGam GaGam

Just came back from my midwifes appointment!
Our pea is such an active little thing so that the midwife had a really hard time chasing the bugger for it's heartbeat!
I could feel it moving away from the device and the midwife leaping after the sound to get the right direction where it went off to!

Reminded me strongly of the scene in the movie Matrix when they try tracking down the worm bug in Neos tummy :-))

But for a few seconds she got it and everything seems to be fine!
Though from estimating the uterine size the baby seems to be 2 weeks bigger than the actual 21 weeks I am.
Hooray... I've got to push out a biggie....

Today was also my work colleagues last day. Leyla is 36 weeks pregnant and now officially on her maternity leave. In her honour we held a little food day at work and I made some blueberry and raspberry muffins with an appropriate blue and pink sugarcoating. As she doesn't know what her Junior is: one kind for a boy and one kind for a girl! :-)

We have another colleague in our team who's pregnant!
It really does seem to be catching! :-)
So we decided to take a picture and hang it up as a warning for our maternity covers:
Health Hazard! Don't sit on this chair! It's contagious!

Leyla, 36 weeks pregnant and ready to pop, me at 21 weeks and Sally at 15 weeks!

Monday, 3 March 2008

A few trophys!

At the moment I don't really get to update much on here - but a litle picture reminder that I am steadily getting bigger!

These pics were taken a week ago when I was in week 20!
On Friday the 29th Ryan could feel with his hands on my tummy the baby kick for the first time!
He was so excited and all choked up!

On Saturday we went to the big babyshow in London and thanks to the generousity of Ryans Mum and Nan we finally bought stuff for the little one!

As we decided on re-usable real nappies we got some très chic waterproof wraps for the nappy-botty and some ecological friendly disosable ones for trips.
I also got my beloved Didymos sling (which I so wanted!!) and 2 sleeping bags (note on one the pea in the pod print). I found a lovely little cooking book for organic babyfood and some freezer-trays (time to get a freezer then, ey? :-))
And Ryan fell in love with that adorable red suit for the winter - it does remind me of Kasimir from Hallo Spencer....

When we came back we found Ryan's youngest sister with her school project - a computerised babydoll which she had to take care of for the whole weekend! The cyborg baby has sensors which recognise her as a "parent" (she was wearing a wristband with a chip) and it cried every few hours for the usual stuff - feeds, nappy change, cuddles. It even woke her several times a night!

Ryan had a training go with the little cyborg :-)