Monday, 17 March 2008


I had the honour of receiving a Blog Award!

Do I hold a speech now? :-)
Well I certainly thank my unborn child then! ha ha ha ha

I received the award from
Betty and I have to give it to 3 other people - but as I don't know that many bloggers yet I will give it to the two girls I know personally, which means one goes back to Betty and one goes to Jasmin, the third one I will give to Crisl, I don't know her personally but I thoroughly enjoy her beautiful blog!


  1. oh,ich dank dir,bin entzückt : ))
    super lieb von dir !
    gang liebe grüße und alles gute für dich und deinen kleinen ..
    die crisl

  2. Dankesehr!!! Welch Ehre :) Bussi Jasmin

  3. So und natürlich bekommst du den Award gleich wieder zurück - bist also doppelt geehrt :) Bussi


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