Wednesday, 19 January 2011

A few outfits, snooded and casual hair...

With our current financial issues I cannot just go out and buy a whole lot of "new" vintage dresses or some of the most gorgeous repro stuff out there. I have to make do with what I have and just combine it with more effort and vintage inspired hair.
It's a new challenge every day and the fancy hair is indeed very glam for play groups but what the heck - I am loving it.

I did not manage to capture every day of the last week as I have a tendency to rush to places and be late everywhere I go :-)

Dressed up in a little black cardigan and 2 different skirts and dressed down in a polkadotted number

I think the lovely shoulder detail makes the blue dress very vintage reminiscent but that huge zip down the front obviously destroys the look. But it makes it IDEAL for discreet breastfeeding and that's why I still got it in the first place. It's from LoveLabel, the fake leather belt I have added, it's 2nd hand via Ebay.
The black cardigan is from South, it's a bit short in the body and also short sleeved (I am wearing a H&M breastfeeding top underneath) but I love love love the frilly ruffles and the bow attached to it!

I don't know if my outtakes amuse you but they sure amuse me :-)
My darling son always wanting the spotlight and in the middle I had bashed my elbow walking backwards and really hit the famous funny bone.

The hair is the really exciting part for me at the moment. I am always on the lookout for dressed down casual vintage styles. Any tips? This updo is so quick it counts for me as casual but it does look rather glam I think. Just a little pompadour, twisted back and pushed forward side parts and the back is rolled up - which would look neater if I'd had a rat. And it was such a rainy grey day I just needed a flower in my hair.

And I adoooooooore snoods. So elegant! This one I made myself and I will make more. I guess if I make one in black or brown it would be more casual. I'm in love with victory rolls at the moment but they are rather dressy. So beautiful!

Recently I was asking myself if people are really interested in my musings or if I am taking my vanity a step to far in waffling endlessly about my hair and clothes. But yesterday a friend told me that she went out and bought stuff I had shown on my blog and wouldn't have thought of going there before and that gave me new confidence. I have purpose :-)
Also thank you so much to all the people who are following me - it's a crazy addition of about 65 people in the last 1 1/2 months.
When I reach the 100 I'll do a give away which will include a snood!


  1. Adorei seu blog. PARABÉNS!!!
    Você esta na lista dos blogs que leio, no meu blog.
    Aguardo sua visitinha

    PS. Coloca um google tradutor.

  2. The snood is fab. I look forward to your giveaway!

  3. I too love that snood. I've tried so many times to get a good size one that fits my head, they're always so long! I'm jealous you can just make them!

  4. I love it!
    Ich bin immer dran interessiert, fange ja selbst bei null an, da bist du immer eine Inspiration für mich. :)
    Schade nur das wir keinen Bonmarche( oder so) bei uns in Deutschland haben. Da waren ja ein paar hübsche Blüschen dabei.


  5. Can't wait for a snood giveaway! I always seem to mis-calculate with my hair (ie long free flowing 70s waves= rain and wind, tight pony= hot day - my hair heats up, I swear, victory rolls= hail or something to squash them).

    It must be a curse or something!

  6. Du hast definitiv Trendsetter-Potential! Ich finde es toll, dass du dabei so farbenfröhlich bleibst, ein großartiger Stil. Ich bin -und war es eigentlich schon seit jeher- besessen von Cardigans, aber nun quillen sie schon regelrecht über im Kasten, woran dein Blog nicht unschludig ist:o)
    LG aus Österreich

  7. I love your hair!! You're right about zip front dresses! One of my very first vintage purchases was a 1940's dress that I (*gasp*) altered with an invisible zipper down the front so I could easily breastfeed. It already had buttons and a seam down the front so I ripped the seam open, added my zipper and replaced the buttons so it still looks like it buttons down.
    Thanks for the comment on my blog! If you're looking for more modern vintage patterns, butterick has re-released a TON of amazing vintage patterns from the 40's-60's and Vogue always has stunningly gorgeous vintage patterns. In the states, our fabric stores put them on sale all the time, not sure about the UK though. Burda also has a ton of free (and dirt cheap) patterns that you can print at home. If you want to learn to sew, my best advice is to find a friend of relative with a machine that you can borrow (and maybe get a short lesson from) and dive in! Sew a simple pillow one day, just to get used to the machine settings and then try a skirt or blouse without buttons or sleeves. You can find a lot of free skirt tutorials online. When you're ready to dive into something a bit more complicated, there is a free 1950's dress pattern here:
    It has no sleeves or gathers but it does have a zipper up the back and a lined bodice, which can sometimes be a pain to figure out but I bet you can do it!! If you ever need any sewing advice, don't hesitate to ask. I've been sewing since I was 12 and I LOVE it!! Oh- and if you're looking for dirt cheap fabric, look for old floral print or solid bedsheets and curtains. Good luck!!! :)

  8. Hi Dear,

    I just wanted to drop a note to tell you I love the blog! This is my first visit, and I have found myself navigating all over the site. Keep at it; it is lovely, and your radiant personality shows through.

    Iron Orchid

  9. I love snoods, very much, and that red one suits you só well! And your rolls look tremendous!

  10. lovely outfit!
    I'm just a new visitor of your blog. I love your pics and I hope you visit mu blog back.

  11. Cool outfit! It has style, class and originality. Keep sharing things like this.


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