Friday, 28 January 2011

Just a quick note...

... to say that my internet has abandoned me. Hence my absence.

My promised give away when I reach the big 100 will have to wait I think - that number is approaching so fast I cannot believe it! Need to actually make the things I planned to give away first!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, no! I hope you get your internet back soon! I was without my computer for a week a while back and it drove me crazy! Thanks for the comments. I wish we lived closer too!! :) You're right about messy play dates and vintage not mixing! I have a few things that are impossible to wash and I save them for kid-free date night only. I have several vintage cotton house dresses that wash up quite nicely so that's a plus but when we're outside or chocolate, ketchup and the like are involved, I try to stick to machine washables for sure! So, yes- it will be interesting nursing again with one kid trying to eat while the other one is getting into mischief. My sister in law has two little girls and she said that it wasn't a problem so hopefully I'll have her luck! See you when you get your internet back- and congrats on nearly 100 followers!! xoxo


Your ramblings