Thursday, 10 November 2011

Home is where the vintage heart is - Swing dancing for charity

I have very little braincells left over that are not covering anything child related. Normally those few ones left are taken up by my hair and this blog but currently they are totally consumed by my wedding planning. So I totally forgot to promote this great event happening tomorrow on the 11th of November!

Swing dancing for charity at the Addison Centre in Kempston near Bedford!
Have a dance, browse some vintage clothing and have your hair done (by Sarah's Doo-Wop Dos of course!) and get your pic taken in the 40s style photo booth!
For tickets contact:
Project 229: 01234 840 880
Grace: 01234 851 508

Sadly I can't make it but it sounds like so much fun!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Want to win a Fleur dress?

Would you like to win a most beautiful Daisy Chain Fleur dress?
(it is actually my fave of all Fleur dresses)

AND this gorgeous matching jewellery?

Fleur Dress

Hop over to Heydays GIVE AWAY!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Summer's definitely gone!

We've changed to winter time, it's November and I'm gearing up towards Christmas. So why not show you some summer outfits! 
Obvious, no? 

Well being such a lazy blogger over the summer months I have collected a few outfit pics and I thought why not share. Some of these are "new" to me and some I have owned for years. 

Sweet playsuit bought via Ebay - it's an American brand and a size to big but it's so cute anyway. I assume it's 80s does retro but it's a good quality, cotton and is really comfortable to wear. I did start wearing it with brown accessories but do now prefer it with blue shoes, belt and scarf.
My favourite of my "uniform" - white fitted shirt and a floaty skirt. I have owned both for many years, the scarf and the pin used to be my nans.
My most favourite purchase of the summer - 80s does retro, cotton, nautical and it has pockets. My heart skips a beat any time I see a dress with pockets! I bought it via Ebay for less than £5 and it's actually a Burberrys dress. I don't care about this but I was surprised by the seller not advertising this. My luck!
Going incognito on one of the few very hot days. Dress I have shown many times, hat is from Primark.
And this is the lovliest surprise of my summer outfits - Mr. Bossy runs a homeless shelter and gets lots of donations. Somehow I never managed to have a look at the stuff (because many grannies just dump their vintage wardrobe there) - but one warm summer day Mr. Bossy came home with these charming culottes - he saw polka dots, had to think of his darling Bossy girl, gave a donation and they are now mine!