Friday, 29 February 2008

The eye of the tiger

As I have told you I started feeling the baby on the 19th!
Well by now a few days later the little spawn is already bouncing up and down like mad!

What a funny and wonderful feeling!
It certainly already feels like a very active little thing!!!

My offspring seems to be a miniature Rocky Balboa!
Let's hope he or she is prettier! :-)

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

The Birthdays!

On monday the 25th of February both my mum and Ryan celebrated their birthdays!

In the last 2 years we created the new "tradition" to travel to a European city together for their happy days - the first year we surprised my mum in Prague for her 50th and last year we went to Hamburg.

But this year Ryan really wanted to be with his family so my parents came here!
We spent a few lovely days showing them around. My dad hasn't seen the area I have moved to quite a while ago nor has he met Ryans family yet - my mum already knew them - so this was extra special!

A few impressions of the birthday morning - I made them blue muffins and of course a cake - on it you see their combined age
(for a moment my mother had an age shock :-))

More stories and a few pics of our time here will follow shortly.

I have just waved them goodbye!

Friday, 22 February 2008

The Purple Turtle

The purple turtle has arrived!

This morning I took a driving lesson - and either it's the hormones or I'm just a whimp - the driving instructor made me cry!
9 years ago when I had my very first lessons a driving instructor told me off quite harshly and I just asked him if he would like to drive in high heeled platform shoes :-)
Today WAS different - even though he was a kind chap he told me I'm not safe to drive and I would fail a british test miserably.
And at home that set off an awful lot of tears!
But what do they say? Get back on the horse as quick as possible - so I sat myself in our new little car with Ryan by my side - and here we go - it wasn't that bad at all. Ryan did not have a heart attack and we are still alive :-)

Let's hope I'll soon get some more practise!

And now I'm off to the airport to pick up my parents who will be here for a 5 day visit - by train that is :-)

The new toy seen from our kitchen window

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Being a baby elephant

Weight gain so far: 3.6kg!
Not bad I'd say - but I'm pretty sure it won't stay like that :-)

Thank god my scale remembers the weight for a minute or so! :-)


Tonight we're finally picking up the car we've bought a little while ago. But that means I have to drive as the mister doesn't have a drivers licence!

The little car is an old Corsa we've taken over from Ryans cousin - we promised him to carry on the loving name purple turtle :-)

So tomorrow I guess I will take a lesson to at least try to get used to the strange way of driving here. They drive on the other side in case you haven't noticed yet!!! :-)

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Lovely bubbly

For a few days I keep imagining I can feel it!
Always at home when I am "listening" to myself....

But today I think I definitely could! I was sitting upright at work and - working (wouldn't believe it, would ya? :-)) and suddenly I felt a funny little sensation like a few bubbles bursting. But much gentler as the beloved flatulence - and as 10 minutes later still no trapped wind wanted to get out I was pretty sure it must have been the baby!
Anymore windy stories needed? :-)

Monday, 18 February 2008

As the pregnancy goes on!

The first few months:

I was very lucky not to suffer from morning sickness. I did feel queazy occasionally and mostly I felt faint and dizzy as soon as I got hotter or smelt something strong.
Today I still struggle not to faint when I get too warm or smell something funny. The joys of pregnancy!

The most bizarre reaction I still found my sudden food cravings and most of all what I WOULDN'T eat anymore... Well I guess your body does tell you what you need and what you certainly don't!
Thank god my body still seems to think that we do need chocolate :-)

Being very very tired was the most annoying thing in the first months. Apart from the 8 hours I worked I literally slept all the time. Poor Ryan had to feed himself with all sorts of junk food! What a shame! :-)

All my girlfriends who've experienced pregnancy (which is not too many so far) told me by the 4th month I will have all my energy back AND more!
Well I am still waiting for that!
I may not be so extremely tired than before but energy I can't call that :-)

By now I am 19 weeks (5 months) pregnant and obviously showing!
And I feel fine!

A picture update from last week when I was 18 weeks along!

The Pea

From the beginning Ryan called our little offspring the "Pea" (as we are together - of course - the Princess and the Pea). So therefore in my family the name "Erbse" was created!

The pea at 13 weeks - sporting a very proud 6cm. By now he/she must be about 3 times that size!

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Yes I am pregnant!

Indeed I am! Well by now not THE big news anymore :-)
On November the 5ths I told my lovely Ryan
(who was astoundingly surprised for someone who was there with me trying to get pregnant - I didn't do that by myself! :-))
But how do you tell your loved one you are knocked up indeed?
I made a little treasure hunt for Ryan!
From a large piece of red carton paper I cut out a big heart - and made it into 4 puzzle pieces. On each piece I wrote a clue where he would find the next one. To find the very first puzzle piece I gave him a small heart with a clue on it.
On the very last one I glued one of the (zillion) pregnancy tests I took!
And then I saw a face which was clearly not comprehending what he was reading but it turned within seconds to the biggest grin I have ever seen! :-)

Our heart which is still hung up in our bedroom :-)

Friday, 15 February 2008

Hello to me in the bloggers world!

Self advertising on the internet!
MySpace - yes I've been there, done that, burned the T-shirt.
Facebook - yes I've been there aswell and I've done that - and I am still!
So do I really need a blog? Well the world has never enough of me I have just decided! Who am I talking to? So far no one will read this apart from 2 other people I know with blogs on here :-) Do I keep writing in English even though my mothertounge is so österreichisch und nix anderes? Well posting in both languages I guess is even too much for me.
We'll see!
Anyway before my sweet other half comes home and demands his legitimate place in front of the computer I will post my creative outbursts.
This week I can only offer my bright red and very healthy looking
valentines cake - which I obviously made yesterday.

Unfortunately the previous years have seen more precision in my valentines baking!

Most important it had to be RED! :-)

And it was yummy!